What's New...

The most recent projects

New Office locations


3100 Richmond NE

Albuqueque, NM 97107




servicing the El Paso, Texas and Las Cruces, New Mexico areas

Las Cruces, New Mexico

Call John Seviert 505-659-1533


Serving Michigan, Indiana and Illinois through our Niles Michgan office

2634 Detroit Road

Niles, MI  49120





505 CWI, LLC now provides concrete scanning for pre-coring and slab investigation. We use the Mala CX 12 Concrete Scanning System, state of the art radio wave technology. It provides both 2D and 3D imaging of both metallic and non-metallic items.


Current Projects: 

We now offer PQR/WPS testing at our new Albuquerque location. Please contact for pricing. 


Current contract with NMDOT for fabrication and inspection of DOT Bridge projects

We perform NDT throughout the USA. 


Notre Dame Univeristy- providing structural and Mechanical welding insepction as 3rd party sub contract.